Development of moisture storage coatings for enthalpy storage wallboard.

Author(s) : RUDD A. F.


Approximate loading curves for the moisture-storage mixtures, the base materials alone, and regular gypsum wallboard were experimentally determined in an environmental chamber, using digital balances to monitor weight change as a function of relative humidity. Silica gel desiccant was mixed with base materials of flat latex paint and vinyl joint compound. Preliminary results showed that although both base materials reduced desiccant utilization somewhat, the coatings have significant potential for moisture storage. Calculations showed that if they were applied to the walls and ceilings of a house in Miami, there could be enough moisture storage (26.6 kg) between the equilibrium relative humidities of 40 and 60% to shift the on-peak latent air conditioning load (13.6 kg) to off-peak periods.


  • Original title: Development of moisture storage coatings for enthalpy storage wallboard.
  • Record ID : 1995-2434
  • Languages: English
  • Source: Heat pumps in cold climates. Proceedings of the second international technical conference.
  • Publication date: 1994
  • Document available for consultation in the library of the IIR headquarters only.


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