Development of the automated method for calculation of the characteristics of vapor-compression refrigerating systems.

[In Russian. / En russe.]

Author(s) : KALNIN I. M., POLYAKOV P. S.

Type of article: Article


A generalized approach to the calculation and analysis of vapor compression refrigeration systems is presented. A refrigeration system is a complicated multi-level complex of the interacting components. Under modern conditions the creation of high efficiency refrigerating machines is achieved, for example, using the systems of automated design (SAPR). For the creation of SAPR a systematic approach was used which included the separation of the system into elementary units. To build the characteristics of the elements of different levels, various methods were used: thus, for compressors stages a generalization method with the help of a neural network was applied. A technique for the calculation of a theoretical cycle is presented, according to which a program being a structural unit of SAPR is presented.


  • Original title: [In Russian. / En russe.]
  • Record ID : 30007478
  • Languages: Russian
  • Source: Kholodilnaya Tekhnika - n. 9
  • Publication date: 2010


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