Development of the residential load factor method for heating and cooling load calculations.


This collection of 105 papers presented at the ASHRAE 2005 Winter Meeting, held in Orlando, Florida, USA, include the complete collection of symposium and technical papers as well as discussion questions and answers for every paper. Topics: advances in air-to-refrigerant heat exchangers; recent advances in duct design; controlling hydronic radiant heating and cooling systems; evaluating and improving fenestration performance; innovations and advances in room air distribution (computational modelling and simulation; numerical, experimental and application articles); low-frequency HVAC noise in buildings and its effect on the comfort and productivity of the occupants; ground-coupled heat pump design issues; microturbines: operating experience and performance; advances in brazed-plate heat exchangers for HVAC&R applications; energy recovery ventilation: energy, humidity, and economic implications; high density cooling issues update; automated functional testing: methodologies and air-handling unit applications; inlet system effects on the performance and noise of axial flow fans; ventilation and IAQ in large mass transit facilities; advances in supermarket display case technology; indoor air quality: filtration.


  • Original title: Development of the residential load factor method for heating and cooling load calculations.
  • Record ID : 2006-1907
  • Languages: English
  • Source: ASHRAE Transactions. 2005 Winter Meeting. Volume 111, part 1 + CD-ROM.
  • Publication date: 2005
  • Document available for consultation in the library of the IIR headquarters only.


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