Diapause and cold tolerance of larvae of Ephestia elutella.

Author(s) : BELL C. H.

Type of article: Article


Larvae of the pyralid Ephestia elutella, a pest of stored products, were exposed to low temperatures from 5 to -10 deg C after different periods of acclimation. Accelerating the rate of temperature fall during acclimation increased the effectiveness of low temperatures in achieving kill. A 12-week exposure to a temperature cycling between 0 and -5 deg C caused little mortality. The survivors of low-temperature exposure emerged faster and with increased synchrony compared with those in control batches. To achieve control in practice, temperatures need to be reduced to well below -5 deg C for several weeks and to avoid insect acclimation, the fall needs to be rapid.


  • Original title: Diapause and cold tolerance of larvae of Ephestia elutella.
  • Record ID : 1992-3058
  • Languages: English
  • Source: Postharvest Biol. Technol. - vol. 1 - n. 1
  • Publication date: 1991


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