Effect of inclination angles on the heat transfer and pressure drop characteristics of brazed aluminium heat exchangers under dehumidifying conditions.

Author(s) : KIM W. H., KIM M. H., CHOI J. C., et al.


The study presents the effect of inclination angles on the air-side heat transfer and pressure drop characteristics for multi-louvered fin and flat tube heat exchangers under dry and wet conditions. For six heat exchangers with different louvre geometries, a series of tests were conducted for the air-side Reynolds numbers of 100-600. The inclination angles from the vertical position were 0°C, plus or minus 15°C, plus or minus 30°C clockwise. The pressure drop increased systematically with the inclination angle, but the heat transfer rate did not influenced significantly by the inclination angle. The louver angle and fin pitch had a moderate effect on the heat transfer rate, and friction factors increased significantly with the louvre angle and fin pitch.


  • Original title: Effect of inclination angles on the heat transfer and pressure drop characteristics of brazed aluminium heat exchangers under dehumidifying conditions.
  • Record ID : 2006-1132
  • Languages: English
  • Source: Green breeze from Asia: frontiers of refrigerants, heat transfer and system.. ACRA-2002. Proceedings of the Asian conference on refrigeration and air conditioning.
  • Publication date: 2002/12/04


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