IIR document
Effects of porous materials on adsorption performance of the attapulgite-based CaCl2 composites for cooling applications.
Author(s) : TANG Y., CHEN H. J., CUI Q., et al.
Based on the preparation of attapulgite-based CaCl2 composites, the effect of adding porous materials such as 13X zeolite, silica gel and alumina into the composites was investigated. Adsorption performance of the composites was carried out with static weighing method, and desorption behaviour by thermal analysis. Also, the composite adsorbents were characterised by X-ray diffraction. The results show that: little 13X zeolite and alumina could yield positive water adsorption capacity and improve dispersion of CaCl2 in the composite adsorbents, thus to increase their water adsorption properties. Desorption temperature of the adsorbents was not obviously effected by adding little porous materials. Adsorption stability of the composites was improved for suppression of CaCl2 agglomeration, due to dispersion promoting effect of porous materials. At relative humidity 20%, water uptakes on the composite of 20% 13X zeolite content can reach 0.36 kg/kg and that of 20% alumina can reach 0.29 kg/kg.
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- Original title: Effects of porous materials on adsorption performance of the attapulgite-based CaCl2 composites for cooling applications.
- Record ID : 2008-0189
- Languages: English
- Source: ICR 2007. Refrigeration Creates the Future. Proceedings of the 22nd IIR International Congress of Refrigeration.
- Publication date: 2007/08/21
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