Recommended by the IIR

Electrocaloric Cooling: A Review of the Thermodynamic Cycles, Materials, Models, and Devices

Author(s) : GRECO A., MASSELLI C.

Type of article: Periodical article, Review


This review paper provides a snapshot of research on electrocaloric cooling and compares the progress made by the inherent scientific community in all the connected fields: the thermodynamic cycles, materials, experimental devices, numerical models, energy performances and prospective cooling applications.

Available documents

Electrocaloric Cooling: A Review of the Thermodynamic Cycles, Materials, Models, and Devices

Pages: 33




  • Original title: Electrocaloric Cooling: A Review of the Thermodynamic Cycles, Materials, Models, and Devices
  • Record ID : 30027876
  • Languages: English
  • Subject: Technology
  • Source: Magnetochemistry - 6 - 4
  • Publishers: MDPI
  • Publication date: 2020/12
  • DOI:


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