End-to-end modelling of helium II flow systems.
Author(s) : MORD A. J., SNYDER H. A., NEWELL D. A.
Type of article: Article
A practical computer code has been developed which uses the accepted two-fluid model to simulate helium II flow in complicated systems. The full set of equations is used, retaining the coupling between the pressure, temperature and velocity fields. This permits modelling helium II flow over the full range of conditions, from strongly or weakly driven flow through large pipes, narrow channels and porous media. The system may include most of the components used in modern superfluid flow systems. The model is validated by comparison with published experimental data. It is applied to a complex system to show some of the non-intuitive feedback effects that can occur.
- Original title: End-to-end modelling of helium II flow systems.
- Record ID : 1994-0012
- Languages: English
- Source: Cryogenics - vol. 32 - n. 3
- Publication date: 1992
See other articles in this issue (13)
See the source
- Themes: Properties of cryogenic fluids and materials
- Keywords: Helium; Calculation; Simulation; Superfluid helium; Flow; Convection
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- Languages : Russian
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- Author(s) : SUEKANE T., SEKIGUCHI M., HIRAI S., et al.
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- Languages : English
- Source: Cryogenics - vol. 43 - n. 2
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- Date : 1994
- Languages : Japanese
- Source: Cryogenics/ Cryog. Eng. - vol. 29 - n. 11
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