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  • Supercooling the LHC

    CERN's Large Hadron Collider (LHC) is the new research instrument of the world's elementary particle physics community. This discovery-making machine will explore the structure of matter and basic forces of nature on a scale never attained before....

    • Publication date : 2007/02/12
  • Cryogenic applications: Cooling largest outer-space telescope

    In his presentation on cryogenics applications at the IIR-AFF centenary conference in Paris (see Focus), Philippe Lebrun, President of the IIR's Section A, mentioned cryogenic detectors of cosmic signals and cited Herschel probe as an example. The...

    • Publication date : 2008/08/12
  • LHC season 3: cryogenic cooling system upgrade

    The particle accelerator returned to service in 2022 after numerous improvements, including an increase in cryogenic cooling power at point 4. 

    • Publication date : 2022/05/30
    • Subjects: Technology
  • World’s most powerful MRI machines push the limits of human imaging

    Latest MRI machines, developed in the US and in France and designed to operate under ultra-high magnetic strength thanks to giant superconducting magnets, should notably allow major advances in the understanding of neurological diseases.

    • Publication date : 2019/02/28