Evolving needs for metrology in trade, industry and society and the role of the BIPM. A report prepared by the CIPM for the governments of the Member States of the Metre Convention and Associates of the CGPM

Evolving needs for metrology in trade, industry and society and the role of the BIPM. A report prepared by the CIPM for the governments of the Member States of the Metre Convention and Associates of the CGPM./ Evolution des besoins dans le domaine de la métrologie pour le commerce, l'industrie et la société et le rôle du BIPM. Rapport préparé par le CIPM pour les gouvernements des Etats membres de la Convention de Mètre et les Associés à la Conférence générale.

Author(s) : BIPM

Type of monograph: Report


This report is part of a set of 2 documents (see also this Bulletin, reference 2006-1583). Extract from the table of contents: evolving needs relating to metrology; expanding international cooperation and new networks; economic and social impact; the BIPM; conclusions and recommendations of the CIPM.


  • Original title: Evolving needs for metrology in trade, industry and society and the role of the BIPM. A report prepared by the CIPM for the governments of the Member States of the Metre Convention and Associates of the CGPM./ Evolution des besoins dans le domaine de la métrologie pour le commerce, l'industrie et la société et le rôle du BIPM. Rapport préparé par le CIPM pour les gouvernements des Etats membres de la Convention de Mètre et les Associés à la Conférence générale.
  • Record ID : 2006-1582
  • Languages: French
  • Subject: Regulation, Developing country
  • Publication: Bipm (bureau international des poids et mesures), cipm (comité international des poids et mesures) - France/France
  • Publication date: 2003
  • ISSN: 10250034
  • ISBN: 9282222128
  • Source: Source: 1-75 (F); 79-144 (E) (21 x 29.7); fig.; tabl.; ref.; append.
  • Document available for consultation in the library of the IIR headquarters only.