Experimental characterization of an active thermoelectric transparency factor.

Caracterización experimental de un paramento transparente activo termoeléctrico.


The active thermal wall (ATW) based on thermoelectricity is a heat pump system that uses Peltier effect. Classic windows (or glass walls) can be replaced by ATW for acclimatization in buildings. With a minimal reduction in glass transparency, ATW can pump heat in any direction (from inside to outside or vice versa) in order to attain the desired room temperature. The main advantages over other conditioning technologies are: simple electronic control, and absence of fluids, pipes and pumps. Hence its use is very promising in domestic applications and mainly where installation of conventional equipment is problematic (historic building, esthetic, technical difficulties, size restriction). The system in patented in Spain, EU, and USA and it is currently being developed by a research group at the University Pontificia Comillas in Madrid, Spain. In this paper, the simulated and experimental results of a small prototype, built and tested in our laboratories, are presented. The article also summarizes the most relevant difficulties found by the research team during the development of the prototype.


  • Original title: Caracterización experimental de un paramento transparente activo termoeléctrico.
  • Record ID : 2008-1282
  • Languages: Spanish
  • Publication date: 2006/11/20
  • Source: Source: Climamed 2006, Lyon
    PIV-2.2; 305-314; fig.; phot.; 7 ref.