IIR document
Experimental characterization of the LiCl/vermiculite composite for sorption heat storage applications.
Author(s) : BRANCATO V., GORDEEVA L. G., SAPIENZA A., et al.
Type of article: Article, IJR article
The present paper reports about the experimental characterization of a recently developed composite sorbent of water, LiCl/vermiculite, for thermal energy storage applications. The sorption ability as well as the thermal storage capacity (TSC) of the material itself were tested in a dedicated TG/DSC apparatus, under two relevant boundary conditions, namely, seasonal (SS) and daily (DS) storage applications. The dynamic behavior of the composite sorbent was tested by means of a G-LTJ apparatus in flat-plate adsorber configuration, under both SS and DS working conditions. Finally, preliminary tests on a lab-scale TES configuration were performed and reported. The main outcomes confirm that the composite is promising for TES applications, reaching the TSC up to 2.15 kJ/g under SS conditions. The stability of the composite was proven for 14 consecutive sorption/desorption cycles under conditions similar to those at real SS and DS cycles. The kinetic adsorption tests confirmed a slowdown of the sorption dynamics when passing from 1.7–2.0 mm to 2.36–2.80 mm of the grain size. Furthermore, the adsorption kinetic under SS mode is faster than of DS one. The preliminary testing in the lab-scale TES at SS cycle allowed getting TSC up to 1.25 kJ/g with a specific power up to 2.1 kW/kg.
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Pages: 92-100
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- Original title: Experimental characterization of the LiCl/vermiculite composite for sorption heat storage applications.
- Record ID : 30026908
- Languages: English
- Source: International Journal of Refrigeration - Revue Internationale du Froid - vol. 105
- Publication date: 2019/09
- DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ijrefrig.2018.08.006
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