Experimental studies on a bubble absorber with swirl entry of refrigerant vapour.
Number: 2284
Good heat and mass transfer rates in components like the absorber and generator are required to improve the overall performance of a vapour absorption refrigeration system (VARS). The present study carries out experimental investigations on an absorber to improve the heat and mass transfer characteristics during the absorption process. The heat and mass transfer characteristics of R134a (1, 1, 1, 2-tetrafluoroethane) vapour in DMF (dimethylformamide) liquid are studied using a copper tubular bubble absorber with swirl entry of refrigerant vapour. In order to create a swirling flow in an absorber, a cavity-type swirl generator is used in the present study. Hot water, cooling water and cooling load simulators are used to exchange the heat between VARS and the water medium. Experiments are carried out by altering the operating parameters, such as hot water temperature from 75oC to 91oC, cooling water temperature from 17oC to 27oC, weak solution flow rate from 0.04 m3h-1 to 0.056 m3h-1, and liquid refrigerant flow rate from 0.005 m3h-1 to 0.011 m3h-1. To understand the effects of weak solution flow rate and refrigerant flow rate on absorber performance, absorption rate, solution concentration at the outlet of the absorber, volumetric mass transfer coefficient, overall heat transfer coefficient, and absorber heat load have been evaluated.
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Pages: 10 p.
- Original title: Experimental studies on a bubble absorber with swirl entry of refrigerant vapour.
- Record ID : 30030646
- Languages: English
- Subject: Technology
- Source: 2022 Purdue Conferences. 19th International Refrigeration and Air-Conditioning Conference at Purdue.
- Publication date: 2022
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