Global climate change and terrestrial net primary production.


A process-based model was used to estimate global patterns of net primary production and soil nitrogen cycling for contemporary climate conditions and current atmospheric CO2 concentration. Over half of the global annual net primary production was estimated to occur in the tropics, with most of the production attributable to tropical evergreen forest. The effects of CO2 doubling and associated climate changes were also explored. The responses in tropical and dry temperate ecosystems were dominated by CO2, but those in northern and moist temperate ecosystems reflected the effects of temperature on nitrogen availability.


  • Original title: Global climate change and terrestrial net primary production.
  • Record ID : 1994-3230
  • Languages: English
  • Subject: Environment, General information
  • Source: Nature - vol. 363 - n. 6426
  • Publication date: 1993/05/20
  • Document available for consultation in the library of the IIR headquarters only.


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