Heart monitoring with high-critical temperature direct-current SQUID.


The authors develop a one-channel high-critical temperature direct-current SQUID heart monitoring system for non-invasive measurement in non-shielded environment. For this purpose they used step-edge as well as bicrystal Josephson junctions for the preparation of planar direct coupled thin film gradiometers and magnetometers. Because the system will be used for clinical instrumentation without any shielding, the influence of compensation of the earth's magnetic field in non-shielded environment with Helmholtz coils has been investigated. They also developed software for a real time data display, storage and further processing (e.g. digital filtering).


  • Original title: Heart monitoring with high-critical temperature direct-current SQUID.
  • Record ID : 1998-2138
  • Languages: English
  • Publication date: 1997/10
  • Source: Source: Cryogenics/Proc. LTEC, Southampton
    vol. 37; n. 10; 691-693; 3 fig.; 6 ref.