Heat transfer of ground heat exchanger for GSHP. 2. Complete mathematical description of heat transfer course.

[In Chinese. / En chinois.]

Author(s) : YUAN Y., LEI B., YU N., et al.

Type of article: Article


This paper establishes the coupled heat transfer model of the fluid in pipes and surrounding soil, and further the complex GSHP model coupled with a ground heat pump. It gives the method of determining the boundary conditions and calculation parameters including heat transfer coefficient between the fluid and wall, each surface heat transfer coefficient, air temperature, soil temperature, porous medium soil effective heat conduction coefficient (see also the Bulletin of the IIR, reference 2008-2290).

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Pages: pp. 9-12


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  • Original title: [In Chinese. / En chinois.]
  • Record ID : 2010-0257
  • Languages: Chinese
  • Source: HV & AC - vol. 39 - n. 226
  • Publication date: 2009/06


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