Hygiene in ventilation systems.

Hygiene in der Raumlufttechnik.

Author(s) : HÄNDEL C.

Type of article: Article


The edition of VDI 6022 (draft March 1997) gives the public the first overall standard with the main questions for a hygienic design, installation, operation and maintenance of air handling systems. The operator of a ventilation system has to assess if the additional hygienic controls can be paid and if they really pay back.


  • Original title: Hygiene in der Raumlufttechnik.
  • Record ID : 1999-0378
  • Languages: German
  • Source: KI Luft Kältetech. - vol. 33 - n. 12
  • Publication date: 1997/12
  • Document available for consultation in the library of the IIR headquarters only.


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