Latest advances and trends in design of industrial filters.

[In German. / En allemand.]

Author(s) : RITSCHER G.

Type of article: Article


Industrial filters for separating damaging materials out of industrial exhaust gas flows will continue to be especially important. The design and operation-technical developments are concentrated in further increasing performance in separation behaviour and pressure loss. For that investigations on the optimal range of operation of industrial filters are necessary. To increase the application range development of separation of gaseous contaminants and of utilization of waste heat will be necessary.


  • Original title: [In German. / En allemand.]
  • Record ID : 1992-2952
  • Languages: German
  • Publication date: 1992
  • Source: Source: Luft Kältetech.
    vol. 28; n. 1; 3-6; 1 fig.; 7 tabl.; 13 ref.
  • Document available for consultation in the library of the IIR headquarters only.