IIR document
Modelling and dynamic simulation of a liquid desiccant system coupled to a heat pump for air conditioning.
Number: pap. n. 1102
In applications where latent loads or ambient humidity are high, liquid desiccant systems combined with vapor compression systems are a suitable alternative to conventional HVAC systems because they can efficiently control air temperature and humidity. In this sense, an optimal integration in terms of working conditions and energy management of both systems is required in order to maximize the overall performance when they are coupled. This study analyses, by means of the modelling and dynamic simulation with TRNSYS, the seasonal performance of a liquid desiccant system coupled to a vapor compression heat pump for an HVAC application. The developed model is then used to optimize to overall performance in terms of energyconsumption and seasonal COP. Different operational conditions and control strategies are evaluated. Results show that evaporator/absorber and condenser/regenerator temperatures are the variables that mainly affect the seasonal COP of the system.
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- Original title: Modelling and dynamic simulation of a liquid desiccant system coupled to a heat pump for air conditioning.
- Record ID : 30026778
- Languages: English
- Source: Proceedings of the 25th IIR International Congress of Refrigeration: Montréal , Canada, August 24-30, 2019.
- Publication date: 2019/08/24
- DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18462/iir.icr.2019.1102
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