IIR document

Modelling helium markets.

Author(s) : CAI Z., CLARKE R., WARD N., et al.


Currently, natural gas is the only economic source of helium supply. Many high technology industries have been developing new commercial applications, which depend on the unique physical properties of helium, thus leading to ever-increasing helium consumption and potentially accelerating the depletion of finite terrestrial helium resources. As a result, the long-term sustainability of helium resources is a key issue for players in the helium market and critical for the development of helium-based technologies such as, for instance, those related to cryo-engineering. This paper presents an overview of helium resources constraints, helium production technologies and market structure, and introduces issues central to the wholesale long-term contracted helium market. A system dynamics simulation model is outlined, and it will be used to investigate the sustainability of helium resources, to provide insights into future helium market dynamics behaviour, and to propose corresponding policies and strategies which might be followed by helium-producers and helium-users to mitigate the risks of helium shortage in the future.

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Pages: ICR07-A1-1101


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  • Original title: Modelling helium markets.
  • Record ID : 2007-1820
  • Languages: English
  • Source: ICR 2007. Refrigeration Creates the Future. Proceedings of the 22nd IIR International Congress of Refrigeration.
  • Publication date: 2007/08/21


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