New surgical applicators: preclinical testing of thermodynamic properties.

Neuartige kryochirurgische Applikatoren: vorklinische Untersuchungen zur Testung der thermodynamischen Eigenschaften.


As part of the development of new cryo-applicators, tests were done with water and gelatins, as well as with biological materials. Special measuring instruments were used to record both thermal and visual processes. Ultra sound and digital-video techniques were used for visual recording. The authors report on freezing behaviour as seen during the use of various model substances and measuring devices, and tell what was learned during picture recording and processing.


  • Original title: Neuartige kryochirurgische Applikatoren: vorklinische Untersuchungen zur Testung der thermodynamischen Eigenschaften.
  • Record ID : 1998-2570
  • Languages: German
  • Source: DKV-Tagungsbericht 24. 1997, Hamburg.
  • Publication date: 1997/11/19
  • Document available for consultation in the library of the IIR headquarters only.


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