IIR document
Nitrogen refrigerators for the ITER cryogenic system.
Number: pap. 18
Author(s) : SAULQUIN S., SIMON M., KOUZMENKO G., et al.
The ITER Tokamak Magnets, Thermal Shields and Cryopumps require a considerable cryogenic power. To supply an average power of 75 kW eq.@4.5 K and 600 kW@80K, several helium refrigerators are used, relying on LN2 for cooling or pre-cooling: this
cold power is ensured by 2x LN2 refrigerators. Due to the time dependent heat load of the clients, the cooling capacity generated by the LN2Plants has to vary from 870 to 1200 kW eq.@80K resulting in alternating liquefaction and refrigeration modes. This type of unit, seldom used in scientific facilities, and the simultaneous operation of the plants resulted in the implementation of a robust process control scheme. This communication will present the role, the characteristics and the control strategies of the LN2 plants within the ITER cryogenic system.
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- Original title: Nitrogen refrigerators for the ITER cryogenic system.
- Record ID : 30018350
- Languages: English
- Source: 1st IIR International Conference of Cryogenics and Refrigeration Technology (ICCRT 2016). Proceedings: Bucharest, Romania, June 22-25, 2016.
- Publication date: 2016/06/22
- DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18462/IIR.ICCRT.2016.0018
See other articles from the proceedings (32)
See the conference proceedings
- Themes: Large-scale cryogenic applications
- Keywords: Helium; Liquid nitrogen; Tokamak; Design; Refrigerator; Process; Optimization; Cryogenics
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- Formats : PDF
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- Source: Cryogenics 2014. Proceedings of the 13th IIR International Conference: Prague, Czech Republic, April 7-11, 2014.
- Formats : PDF
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