IIR document

Nucleate boiling: numerical simulation of heat transfer at moderate heat fluxes.

Author(s) : GENSKE P., STEPHAN K.


Using a model that was recently developed by the authors, heat transfer, bubble growth and departure diameters of vapour bubbles on horizontal walls can be predicted for low and moderate heat fluxes. In this model, the region around a single vapour bubble is subdivided into three parts: a small ring-shaped zone between the solid wall and the vapour bubble, called the micro-region, the bubble contour, and its surrounding liquid, called the macro-region. As it turned out that about 60% of the heat is transferred in the micro-region, so far the model focused mainly on this region, whereas processes in the macro-region were based on simplified assumptions. Nevertheless, predicted heat transfer coefficients and bubble departure diameters already agreed well with experimental data. In the paper, emphasis is placed on fluid flow and heat transfer in the macro-region in order to improve the model.

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Pages: 2001-5


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  • Original title: Nucleate boiling: numerical simulation of heat transfer at moderate heat fluxes.
  • Record ID : 2003-0692
  • Languages: English
  • Source: Thermophysical Properties and Transfer Processes of New Refrigerants.
  • Publication date: 2001/10/03


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