Optimal animal house air conditioning even in summer, thanks to heat recovery systems.

Installations de récupération de chaleur : un climat d’étable optimal en été également.

Author(s) : SAX M., CAENEGEM L. van, SCHICK M.

Type of article: Article


Traditional air to air heat recovery systems are only useful at low outside temperatures as long as heat is required in animal housing. The incoming air can also be cooled by the heat exchanger if a high pressure water atomizer is installed in the heat recovery system. If the outgoing air is humidified to saturation point before it passes through the heat exchanger, it cools to 10 K, which means that heat is extracted from the incoming air in the heat exchanger.

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Format PDF

Pages: 428-435


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  • Original title: Installations de récupération de chaleur : un climat d’étable optimal en été également.
  • Record ID : 30005113
  • Languages: French
  • Source: Recherche agronomique Suisse - n. 9
  • Publication date: 2012/09


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