Passive cooling by natural ventilation: salt bath modelling of combined wind and buoyancy forces.

Author(s) : HUNT G. R., LINDEN P. F.


The authors examine conditions under which the natural forces of wind and buoyancy may be harnessed in order to provide ventilation for cooling. Steady-state, displacement flows driven by combined buoyancy and wind forces are simulated at small scale in the laboratory using a Perspex box to represent a generic room or single-spaced building. Density differences necessary to simulate the stack effect are produced using fresh and salt water solutions. Wind flow is simulated by placing the box in a flume tank; the flume produces a flow of water past the box and this flow is used to represent the wind. By measuring salinity and the position of the stratification within the box, equivalent temperature profiles and ventilation flow rates in naturally ventilated buildings are deduced.


  • Original title: Passive cooling by natural ventilation: salt bath modelling of combined wind and buoyancy forces.
  • Record ID : 2000-0934
  • Languages: English
  • Source: Ventilation and cooling. Proceedings of the 18th AIVC Conference.
  • Publication date: 1997/09/23
  • Document available for consultation in the library of the IIR headquarters only.


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