IIR document
Performance limit for economized cycles with continuous refrigerant injection.
Author(s) : MATHISON M. M., BRAUN J. E., GROLL E. A.
Type of article: Article, IJR article
While economizing can improve the performance of vapour compression cycles, the cost of multistage compressors has limited its implementation to large-scale applications. However, the development of compressors with injection ports presents new opportunities for economizing in smaller-scale applications. In addition to eliminating the need for a costly multistage compressor, multiple injection ports can be added at relatively low cost to further improve cycle performance. In this study, a model was developed to study the effect of the number of injection ports on performance and determine the limit to performance with injection. The model predicts that continuous injection, in which economized refrigerant is injected at an infinite number of ports to maintain saturated vapour in the compressor, provides very significant performance improvements for air-conditioning and refrigeration applications. At standard operating conditions, the COP increases between 18 and 51% depending on the application, with higher temperature lift cycles benefiting most significantly.
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Pages: pp. 234-242
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- Original title: Performance limit for economized cycles with continuous refrigerant injection.
- Record ID : 2010-1426
- Languages: English
- Source: International Journal of Refrigeration - Revue Internationale du Froid - vol. 34 - n. 1
- Publication date: 2011/01
See other articles in this issue (36)
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- Formats : PDF
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- Source: 2010 Purdue Conferences. 13th International Refrigeration and Air-Conditioning Conference at Purdue.
- Formats : PDF
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