Performance of the two-phase ejector expansion refrigeration cycle.


Type of article: Article


This paper is a continuation of the authors' previous work (see Bulletin of the IIR, reference 2004-2820). The paper presents new experimental data of the system performance of the two-phase ejector refrigeration cycle (TPERC). The TPERC uses a two-phase ejector as an expansion device while the conventional refrigeration cycle (CRC) uses an expansion valve. The TPERC enables the evaporator to be flooded with refrigerant, resulting in a higher refrigerant-side heat transfer coefficient. The experimental study shows that the TPERC gives a higher cooling capacity and a higher COP. Moreover, the pressure ratio and the discharge temperature of the compressor of the TPERC are lower than those of the CRC.


  • Original title: Performance of the two-phase ejector expansion refrigeration cycle.
  • Record ID : 2006-1221
  • Languages: English
  • Source: International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer - vol. 48 - n. 19-20
  • Publication date: 2005/09


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