Preliminary analysis on the perception of the four comfort domains of people with autism spectrum condition.
Number: 3315
Autism Spectrum Condition (ASC) is a neurodevelopmental disorder affecting one child over 160 worldwide. People in the spectrum may show different sensitivity in the perception of the different stimuli provided by the surrounding environment. On the one hand, this can affect the perceived level of comfort and increase the environmental requisites, also in relation to the dangerous effects of stressful conditions. On the other hand, in the case of reduced sensitivity, this can harm the subject unknowingly exposed to inappropriate or unhealthy conditions. Furthermore, if individual
comfort has been typically investigated by means of subjective approaches, such as questionnaires, administered to individuals in laboratory conditions, individuals on the spectrum can face some difficulty with communication and, even worst, can be endangered by harmful reactions to discomfortable or stressful environments. This makes it more difficult to collect direct feedbacks on the perception of their own well-being and prevents from conducting experiments involving the most fragile individuals for whom the research would be particularly beneficial. In this framework, an analysis of the Indoor Environmental Quality (IEQ) is here provided with attention to acoustic, thermohygrometric, visual environments and indoor air quality and their relative importance in determining comfort or discomfort to individuals with ASC. In order to investigate the subjective sensitivity of individuals with severe comorbidities or communication problems, this study interviewed people who most directly are taking care of them and follow their activities daily. In more details, a controlled group of 19 young adults with a diagnosis of autism were analyzed by collecting the opinions provided by both family members (parents) and professional caregivers, by means of questionnaires evaluating the sensitivity to the four comfort domains. Biases in answers due to the different proxy respondents involved were analyzed.
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Pages: 9 p.
- Original title: Preliminary analysis on the perception of the four comfort domains of people with autism spectrum condition.
- Record ID : 30030223
- Languages: English
- Source: 2022 Purdue Conferences. 7th International High Performance Buildings Conference at Purdue.
- Publication date: 2022
- Document available for consultation in the library of the IIR headquarters only.
See other articles from the proceedings (39)
See the conference proceedings
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- Keywords: Thermal comfort; Building; Acoustics; Air quality; Survey; Indoor environment; Correlation
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