Pressure fatigue testing of compressor enclosures.

Number: pap. n. C2, 1125

Author(s) : BROEK T.


Pressure fatigue testing of compressor enclosures is conducted at the Emerson Climate Technologies Applied Mechanics Laboratory to provide product confidence and aid in enclosure design. The test is conducted using a specially designed hydraulic fatigue tester, which utilizes custom control software to generate pressure pulses at a rate of up to 3Hz. The Applied Mechanics Pressure Fatigue Test has also been accepted into the UL Data Acceptance Program (DAP). The Pressure Fatigue Test provides product engineering with reliable fatigue test results for compressor enclosures, allowing for product optimization without compromising the enclosure’s safety and quality. Product optimization may require several design iterations and therefore requires a reliable test with a quick turnaround. The equipment is configured to meet this requirement. This paper presents an overview of the Applied Mechanics Pressure Fatigue Testing Equipment, its capabilities in support of its commitment to Safety, Quality, Customer Satisfaction and the timely release of products.

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Pages: 8 p.


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  • Original title: Pressure fatigue testing of compressor enclosures.
  • Record ID : 30001320
  • Languages: English
  • Source: 2010 Purdue Conferences. 20th International Compressor Engineering Conference at Purdue.
  • Publication date: 2010/07/12


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