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Quantitative comparison of the performance of vapor compression cycles with various means of compressor flooding.

Number: 1227

Author(s) : KHAN A., BRADSHAW C. R.


Increasing the Coefficient of performance (COP) of vapor compression cycles has been a major focus for decades. Significant improvements can be brought by modifying multistage compressor to flooded single-stage compressor in order to approach isothermal compression, which reduces compressor work and improves COP. This work presents the comparative analysis of the cycle performance of a 3 stage compression system (3SCS), multiple refrigerant injection system (MRIS) and an oil flooded system (OFS). Thermodynamic models of each of these systems using ideal mixing models of refrigerants with the flooding agents is presented. Results show that in an MRIS, an increase in the number of injection ports significantly increases the COP of the cycle between 18% and 51% for air conditioning and refrigeration applications. The OFS shows that increasing the oil mass flow rate increases the COP significantly above the baseline cycle, benefiting higher temperature lift applications. At evaporating temperature of -40℃, relative COP for MRIS with 3 injection points is 3.5% higher than 3SCS and 5.88% higher than OFS. Further, quantification of the influence of the non-ideal mixing model showed that dropping mixing effectiveness from 100% to 80% results in 21% degradation of COP.

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Pages: 11 p.




  • Original title: Quantitative comparison of the performance of vapor compression cycles with various means of compressor flooding.
  • Record ID : 30030291
  • Languages: English
  • Subject: Technology
  • Source: 2022 Purdue Conferences. 26th International Compressor Engineering Conference at Purdue.
  • Publication date: 2022/07/15


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