Rebound in German frozen food market after apparent dip in sales last year?

Author(s) : SAULNIER J. M.

Type of article: Article


After clocking up non-stop growth for more than 30 years, a preliminary report issued by the Deutsches Tiefkühlinstitut (dti) last autumn suggested that the German frozen food market may have contracted in both volume and value terms during 2003. If so, then this formerly recession-proof food segment has joined a long list of other business sectors that have been negatively affected by anaemic consumer spending that has become chronic in the Federal Republic.


  • Original title: Rebound in German frozen food market after apparent dip in sales last year?
  • Record ID : 2004-3054
  • Languages: English
  • Subject: Figures, economy
  • Source: Quick frozen Foods int. - vol. 45 - n. 4
  • Publication date: 2004/04
  • Document available for consultation in the library of the IIR headquarters only.


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