Refrigerating systems and heat pumps. Flexible pipe elements, vibration isolators and expansion joints. Requirements, design and installation.

Type of article: Periodical article, Standard/Recommendation


This final draft, drawn up by the Technical Committee CEN/TC 182, is submitted for formal vote.


  • Original title: Refrigerating systems and heat pumps. Flexible pipe elements, vibration isolators and expansion joints. Requirements, design and installation.
  • Record ID : 1999-0614
  • Languages: English
  • Subject: Regulation
  • Source: CEN, Eur. Stand., Final Draft - prEN 1736; 13 p.; 1 fig.; 1 tabl.; 3 ref.; 1 append.
  • Publication date: 1997/10/28
  • Document available for consultation in the library of the IIR headquarters only.


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