IIR document

Refrigeration, a key aspect of the quality of life.

Author(s) : GENOIS D.


PowerPoint presentation given at the joint IIR-AFF international conference on the occasion of the centenaries of both organizations, held in Paris, France.

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  • Original title: Refrigeration, a key aspect of the quality of life.
  • Record ID : 2008-2359
  • Languages: French
  • Subject: Figures, economy, General information
  • Publication date: 2008/06/12
  • Source: Source: IIR-AFF Centen., Int. Conf., 100 Years Hist. Serv. Dev. Refrig. Appl., Paris/IIF-AFF Centen., Colloq. int., 100 Ans Serv. Dév. Froid Appl., Paris/www.iifiir.org
    8 p.; fig.; phot.