Refrigerators: the ESC distrusts too strict standards.
Réfrigérateurs : le CES se méfie des normes trop strictes.
Author(s) : FOUQUET C.
Type of article: Article
The Economic and Social Council (ESC) has fully approved the European Commission's proposal adopted December 7, 1994. Its aim is to reduce refrigerators' electrical consumption by 13% and the CO2 emissions by 10% by the year 2002. The Economic and Social Council pushed for the Commision to encourage the consumers' commitment.
- Original title: Réfrigérateurs : le CES se méfie des normes trop strictes.
- Record ID : 1995-3969
- Languages: French
- Subject: Regulation
- Source: Enjeux - n. 156
- Publication date: 1995/07
- Document available for consultation in the library of the IIR headquarters only.
See the source
Sécurité des appareils électrodomestiques et an...
- Author(s) : UTE, CENELEC, AFNOR
- Date : 2000
- Languages : French
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Position commune (CE) n. 15-96, arrêtée par le ...
- Date : 1996/04/24
- Languages : French
- Source: J. off. Communautés eur., Commun. Inf. - vol. 39 - n. C 120
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New energy efficiency classes and other regulat...
- Author(s) : NEUMANN M.
- Date : 2001/10/09
- Languages : English
- Source: Symposium 2001. Directives/regulations: new drafts, implementation of amendments and revisions; consequences for the European refrigeration/air conditioning markets.
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Avis relatif à l'application du décret n. 94-56...
- Date : 1998/07/10
- Languages : French
- Source: J. off. Répub. fr., Lois Décrets - vol. 130 - n. 158
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Directive 94/2/CE de la Commission, du 21 janvi...
- Date : 1994/02/17
- Languages : French
- Source: J. off. Communautés eur., Légis. - vol. 37 - n. L 45
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