Report of the third meeting of the ozone research managers of the parties to the Vienna Convention for the protection of the ozone layer.

Author(s) : ONU Environnement (ex-PNUE), WMO

Type of monograph: Report


This report of the meeting, held in Geneva, Switzerland, March 19-21, 1996, reviews current information on the state of the ozone layer and progress on research and monitoring, and includes recommendations for further research.


  • Original title: Report of the third meeting of the ozone research managers of the parties to the Vienna Convention for the protection of the ozone layer.
  • Record ID : 1996-3845
  • Languages: English
  • Subject: Regulation, Environment
  • Publication: UNEP (United Nations Environment Programme) - Kenya/Kenya/Switzerland/Switzerland
  • Publication date: 1996/03/19
  • Source: Source: n. 41; 108 p. (21 x 29.7); fig.; tabl.; append.
  • Document available for consultation in the library of the IIR headquarters only.