Required ventilation according to the proposed new European standard: myths and realities.

Author(s) : FANGER O.


In 1990, ECN decided to elaborate a standard on design criteria for the indoor environment in ventilated spaces. Five years later, TC 156/WG6 had elaborated a draft of a prestandard: prENV 1752. States that the indoor air quality and the required ventilation rates have generated numerous statements and myths. Identifies some of these myths and discusses them. Supplies the text of the draft prestandard in an appendix.


  • Original title: Required ventilation according to the proposed new European standard: myths and realities.
  • Record ID : 1998-3244
  • Languages: English
  • Subject: Regulation, General information
  • Publication date: 1996/06
  • Source: Source: Mid Career Coll., 4th indoor Air Qual. Conf.
    31-49; 3 fig.; 3 tabl.; 15 ref.