Residential fuel cell systems.

Author(s) : ROSENBERG R., VALKIAINEN M., KLOBUT K., et al.


Fuel cells offer an environmentally sound, distributed energy source for individual buildings. Many governments believe that security and sustainability of energy supply can be improved with this technology. Therefore, large public support programmes are under way to facilitate the commercialization of residential fuel cell systems. VTT (Finland) is actively participating in this development work in a number of projects. Modelling and simulation tools have been developed to provide the means for studying the interaction between the fuel cell system and a building. VTT initiated in 2004 the development of a PEM fuel cell based power stack and developed its control system and operating strategies. VTT supports local industry in developing technologies for SOFC (solid oxide fuel cells) systems, e.g. fuel processing for natural gas and diesel. The most important accomplishment has been the development of a 5 kW SOFC CHP laboratory demonstration plant fuelled by natural gas. The plant was grid connected and successfully operated for 6500 hours.


  • Original title: Residential fuel cell systems.
  • Record ID : 2008-2773
  • Languages: English
  • Subject: General information
  • Source: Clima 2007. WellBeing Indoors. Proceedings of the 9th REHVA World Congress [CD-ROM + Abstract book].
  • Publication date: 2007/06/10


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