This guide was written by the Management of Technical Affairs of the FFB (French Building Industry Federation) and validated by the national unions and the trade unions. It presents a broad outline of the thermal regulation known as "RT 2000" which is aimed at all new buildings. It clarifies the many modifications compared with the old 1988 regulation. The main effects on building works are described (heat insulation, cold bridges, air permeability, joinery, ventilation and air conditioning, lighting and certification). They relate to the majority of trades. (See also this Bulletin, 2004-2060 to 2062.).
- Original title: RT 2000. Généralités : ce que toute entreprise de bâtiment doit savoir.
- Record ID : 2004-2059
- Languages: French
- Subject: Regulation, Environment
- Publication: SEBTP (Société d'Editions du Bâtiment et des Travaux Publics) - France/France
- Publication date: 2003/01
- ISBN: 2915162042
- Source: Source: 64 p. (15 x 21.5); fig.; tabl.; append.; EUR 12.
- Document available for consultation in the library of the IIR headquarters only.
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- Date : 2002/01
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- Source: Cond. Aria - n. 1
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- Date : 2001/01
- Languages : French
- Source: Chaud Froid Plomb. - n. 631
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