Selection of environmentally friendly refrigerants: tool to optimise the choice of the best available refrigerant to dedicated application.

Number: pap. 82



One of the most important tasks is to choose the most environmentally friendly refrigeration, air-conditioning and heat pump solution for a dedicated application. After having optimized the heat loads, the temperature levels, the heat exchange parameters of the evaporator and condenser side, the primary and secondary loops, agents, then one of the most important task of the engineer/designer is to choose the optimal refrigeration circuit and finally the optimal refrigerant, which results in the lowest total environmental impact over the lifecycle of the application. The normal procedure, when we apply the Total Environmental Warming Impact, is the TEWI[1] calculation method. Using this method the carbon dioxide equivalent emissions of the application should be calculated (estimated, defined) over the whole operational lifecycle. The TEWI value involves both of the direct and indirect impact of the dedicated solution. To get a proper tool, a better comparison method in relation of the environmental impact, we should define and calculate the following different TEWI figures for various refrigerants and operating conditions and circumstances.

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Pages: 4 p.


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  • Original title: Selection of environmentally friendly refrigerants: tool to optimise the choice of the best available refrigerant to dedicated application.
  • Record ID : 30008594
  • Languages: English
  • Source: Clima 2013. 11th REHVA World Congress and 8th International Conference on Indoor Air Quality, Ventilation and Energy Conservation in Buildings.
  • Publication date: 2013/06/16


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