Selection of magnetic materials for an active magnetic regenerative refrigerator.

Author(s) : REID C. E., BARCLAY J. A., HALL J. L., SARANGI S.

Type of article: Article


The selection process involves the thermodynamic analysis of the active magnetic regenerative refrigerator cycle to determine the adiabatic temperature change profile over the temperature span of interest for an ideal material, and then the matching of real materials whose magnetocaloric effect as a function of absolute temperature best fits this profile. The paper develops the calculation of the ideal magnetic material profile for a real active magnetic regenerative refrigerator operating between 110 and 300 K and with 1 kilowatt of cooling power.


  • Original title: Selection of magnetic materials for an active magnetic regenerative refrigerator.
  • Record ID : 1996-0003
  • Languages: English
  • Source: J. Alloys Compd. - n. 207-208
  • Publication date: 1994


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