Study of open-cycle sorption heat pumps. Doctoral dissertation.
Etude des pompes à chaleur à sorption à cycle ouvert. Thèse de doctorat.
Author(s) : BOUGUELIA A.
Type of monograph: Doctoral thesis
The objective of this study is to recover heat from a drier. The author designed a process that notably increases the output of a drier, through coupling to an open-cycle sorption heat pump. This system makes it possible to use the calories recovered at the drier outlet through water-vapour sorption in a hygroscopic material which is either a concentrated solution of lithium bromide or calcium chloride, or a silica-gel fixed bed. The author made modellings. Extract from the table of contents: general considerations on open-circuit heat pumps; air dehumidification with a hygroscopic material with a view to using it for drying foodstuffs; study of the drying process using a hygroscopic solution; study of the drying process using an adsorbing solid; possibilities of producing water with atmospheric air ("humi-sorb" process).
- Original title: Etude des pompes à chaleur à sorption à cycle ouvert. Thèse de doctorat.
- Record ID : 1993-3751
- Languages: French
- Publication: USTHB (Université des Sciences et de la Technologie Houari Boumediene) - Institut de Chimie - Algeria/Algeria
- Publication date: 1993
- Source: Source: vol. 1; 170 p. (20.7 x 29); fig.; tabl.
- Document available for consultation in the library of the IIR headquarters only.
Heat pumps techniques;
Absorption and adsorption systems;
Other energy-saving and energy-recovery systems - Keywords: Food application; Silica gel; Dehumidification; Lithium bromide; Efficiency; Heat recovery; Air; Sorption system; Dryer; Drying; Heat pump; Modelling; Waste heat; Calcium chloride
Activated carbon, silica-gel and calcium chlori...
- Author(s) : TSO C. Y., CHAO C. Y. H.
- Date : 2012/09
- Languages : English
- Source: International Journal of Refrigeration - Revue Internationale du Froid - vol. 35 - n. 6
- Formats : PDF
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A new methodology of studying the dynamics of w...
- Author(s) : OKUNEV B. N., GROMOV A. P., HEIFETS L. I., et al.
- Date : 2008/01
- Languages : English
- Source: International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer - vol. 51 - n. 1-2
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Experimental study on the kinetics of water vap...
- Author(s) : DAWOUD B., ARISTOV Y.
- Date : 2003/01
- Languages : English
- Source: International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer - vol. 46 - n. 2
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Modelling of a waste heat driven silica gel-wat...
- Author(s) : VERDE M., CORBERÁN J. M., BOER R. de, et al.
- Date : 2011/04/06
- Languages : English
- Source: Sources/sinks Alternative to the Outside Air for Heat Pump and Air-conditioning Techniques (Alternative Sources - AS), Padua, Italy, April 5-7, 2011. / International Sorption Heat Pump Conference (ISHPC11), Padua, Italy, April 6-8, 2011.
- Formats : PDF
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Effect of liquid desiccant properties on dehumi...
- Author(s) : CHEN L., LI Z.
- Date : 2007/08/21
- Languages : English
- Source: ICR 2007. Refrigeration Creates the Future. Proceedings of the 22nd IIR International Congress of Refrigeration.
- Formats : PDF
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