IIR document

Study on off-grid performance and economic viability of photovoltaic energy storage refrigeration systems.

Author(s) : GUO Y., ZHANG T., ZHOU H., SHEN S., BAO M., BAO H., WANG L., SUN S., LI F., WANG H.

Type of article: IJR article


With the rapid advancement of photovoltaic and energy storage technologies, photovoltaic energy storage refrigerator systems have gained significant attention as an innovative energy solution. This paper designs and constructs an off-grid photovoltaic power generation energy storage refrigerator system, and evaluates its economic viability in practical environments. By measuring indoor temperature, refrigerator internal temperature, irradiance, and daily power generation, the paper analyzes system operating parameters such as refrigerator cooling rate and power supply mode, and studies the system's refrigeration performance, off-grid operation capability, and factors affecting daily power generation. Utilizing economic indicators such as benefit-cost ratio, levelized cost of electricity, investment dynamic payback process, net present value, and internal rate of return, the economic viability of the system is assessed. Results indicate that the system meets refrigeration performance requirements, maintaining a uniform temperature distribution and extended off-grid operation capability. Daily power generation is influenced by weather conditions, seasons, and all electrical loads in the system. In the Dalian region of China, the system demonstrates good economic viability, enabling investment recovery and profitability in a relatively short period. This system has broad market prospects in areas with abundant solar resources or high demand for refrigerator usage.

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Pages: 391-404


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  • Original title: Study on off-grid performance and economic viability of photovoltaic energy storage refrigeration systems.
  • Record ID : 30033238
  • Languages: English
  • Source: International Journal of Refrigeration - Revue Internationale du Froid - vol. 169
  • Publication date: 2025/01
  • DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ijrefrig.2024.11.012


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