Test results of the DPC-TJ: electromagnetic performance.


The experimental forced-cooled superconducting coil (DPC-TJ) was charged up to its rated current of 24 kiloamperes (40 amperes/mm2) at 7.6 T without quench in the DPC test facility. Thereafter electromagnetic performance was tested by measuring critical current and current sharing temperature values, and the critical current at 12 T was estimated at 41 kiloamperes. Many electromagnetic results were obtained, which are necessary for the design of future fusion machines such as the international thermonuclear experimental reactor.


  • Original title: Test results of the DPC-TJ: electromagnetic performance.
  • Record ID : 1994-1392
  • Languages: Japanese
  • Source: Cryog. Eng./Cryogenics - vol. 27 - n. 3
  • Publication date: 1992


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