The 1994 science, environmental effects, and technology and economic assessments. Synthesis report.

The 1994 science, environmental effects, and technology and economic assessments. Synthesis report./ Evaluations scientifiques, environnementales, techniques et économiques de 1994. Rapport de synthèse.

Author(s) : ONU Environnement (ex-PNUE)

Type of monograph: Booklet


Study carried out by the open-ended working group of the Parties to the Montreal Protocol, for their eleventh meeting in Nairobi, Kenya, May 8-12, 1995. Extract of contents: major recent findings; feasibility of options for lowering stratospheric chlorine and bromine abundances; future assessment work: HCFC and methyl bromide elaboration.


  • Original title: The 1994 science, environmental effects, and technology and economic assessments. Synthesis report./ Evaluations scientifiques, environnementales, techniques et économiques de 1994. Rapport de synthèse.
  • Record ID : 1995-2666
  • Languages: English
  • Subject: Figures, economy, Environment, General information
  • Publication: UNEP (United Nations Environment Programme) - Kenya/Kenya
  • Publication date: 1994/12/19
  • Source: Source: UNEP-OZL.PRO-WG.1-11-3; 40 p. (21 x 29.7); append.
  • Document available for consultation in the library of the IIR headquarters only.