The future of 90.1.

Author(s) : SCHWEDLER M.

Type of article: Article


Due to the work of volunteer members of SSPC 90.1 and other ASHRAE and IESNA committees, and the rigorous continuous maintenance process, Standard 90.1 is changing to reflect society's increased interest in energy and energy cost savings. As the standard changes, building owners and operators will reap the benefits of higher efficiency as engineers, designers, code officials, manufacturers, and others comply with - and exceed the requirements of - the standard that defines the minimum efficiency for most commercial buildings.


  • Original title: The future of 90.1.
  • Record ID : 2009-0915
  • Languages: English
  • Subject: Regulation, Environment
  • Source: ASHRAE Journal - vol. 50 - n. 10
  • Publication date: 2008/10


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