The Transrapid high-speed Maglev system: a new transport system for passenger and freight traffic.

[In German. / En allemand.]

Author(s) : RASCHBICHLER H. G.

Type of article: Article


Maglev trains as a new transport system will complement the existing transport systems in a cost-effective and environmentally acceptable way. The paper describes the development to maturity for commercial operation, the special features of the Transrapid system and its benefits compared to other systems. Its outlook is also discussed: the Maglev system will contribute significantly to solving transport problems.


  • Original title: [In German. / En allemand.]
  • Record ID : 1993-2459
  • Languages: German
  • Subject: General information
  • Source: ZEV + DET Glasers Ann. - vol. 116 - n. 8-9
  • Publication date: 1992/08
  • Document available for consultation in the library of the IIR headquarters only.


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