Time constant of round superconducting structures determined from the time development of the induced magnetic field.
Author(s) : TAKÁCS S.
Type of article: Article
It is shown that evaluating the time development of the penetrated magnetic field into the superconductors can be used for the determination of time constant for round structures, too. The calculations are very similar to those used for the flat structures. The method is very simple, both by the practical realization of the experiment and by the evaluation of the time evolution of the penetrated magnetic field above the superconductor. The procedure uses an exponential decrease of the applied magnetic field, which can be easily performed by discharging an external circuit. By determining the position of the maximum of the difference between the penetrated field induction and the applied magnetic field induction, the corresponding time constant can be evaluated by a very simple equation, which is calculated in the paper. The results are very similar to the previous calculations, obtained for the flat superconducting cables. In addition, it is suggested that knowing the time constant of superconducting structures could be in many cases more important both for research aspects and for practical applications.
- Original title: Time constant of round superconducting structures determined from the time development of the induced magnetic field.
- Record ID : 30020886
- Languages: English
- Source: Cryogenics - vol. 80
- Publication date: 2016/09
- DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.cryogenics.2016.09.008
See other articles in this issue (31)
See the source
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- Keywords: Superconducting cable; Superconductor; Expérimentation; Magnetic field
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- Date : 2012/09/11
- Languages : English
- Source: Cryogenics 2012. Proceedings of the 12th IIR International Conference: Dresden, Germany, September 11-14, 2012.
- Formats : PDF
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