Understanding the part played by air filtration.

Comprendre le rôle de la filtration de l'air.

Author(s) : RAULT J. Y.

Type of article: Article


Airborne contamination of a building does not comply only with physical laws integrated into the equipments and installations but also depends on unpredictable effects of human presence. The average concentration C in a turbulent regime ventilated building is calculated by means of a given formula. Effects of the various parameters of this formula are being analysed, especially in stabilized turbulent regime using a numerical example. The probability of the contamination of a small volume can be calculated, but in a large volume, there are areas, with higher concentrations of contaminants, that have to be treated differently. If contamination hazard is practically nil, solutions are indicated and advantages of unidirectional or laminar flows are underlined. Finally, the control of contamination implies a simultaneous and coherent use of many techniques at all levels, from design to implementation. Air filtration techniques are not wellknown and overlooked but this gap should be filled. J.L.


  • Original title: Comprendre le rôle de la filtration de l'air.
  • Record ID : 1995-0421
  • Languages: French
  • Source: La revue pratique du froid et du conditionnement d'air - n. 788
  • Publication date: 1993/01
  • Document available for consultation in the library of the IIR headquarters only.


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