Developing cold chain solutions in West Africa

African providers of cold storage solutions have entered into a strategic regional partnership to develop the cold chain business in African countries.

The expansion of the cold chain and the integration of post-harvest loss management solutions represent a great opportunity for many West African countries. In Ghana, for instance, the need for cold chain solutions for fruits and vegetables, through cold storage and refrigerated trucks, represent a potential revenue of up to USD 900 million annually.


To address this need, Inspirafarms, a UK-based firm that designs, finances and supplies energy-efficient cold rooms, has partnered with African providers of cold storage solutions. The objective of this partnership is to build pre-cooling and cold chain facilities in West Africa. In Ghana, an 800 square meter unit is being developed in the Volta region, a predominantly farming area. The unit will be able to provide processing, precooling, packaging areas, and cold storage for vegetables intended for the export market.


