Employment in the French refrigeration sector

A recent study by AGEFOS PME, a socio-economic monitoring centre, has provided data on the French refrigeration sector and its employees. The sector comprises 1900 companies and employs 25 700 persons.
A recent study by AGEFOS PME, a socio-economic monitoring centre, has provided data on the French refrigeration sector and its employees.

The sector comprises 1900 companies, most of which are mainly small: 77% employ less than 10 employees, which is lower than the national average of 86%.

Around 17% of the companies are located in the Paris area, less than in the overall French economy (21%).

A third of the companies are involved in installing mechanical systems, a fifth of them are ventilation and refrigeration-system manufacturers and up to 14% are involved in installing air-conditioning and heating systems.

The sector employs 25 700 persons, half of whom are in companies employing 10-49 people, whereas only 21% of the employees in the overall economy are in businesses of that size.
The proportion of employees in companies hiring less than 10 people is also higher than in French economy as a whole (34% vs. 22%). Not surprisingly, the sector hires a large majority of men (83%), a figure that is much higher than the national average (47%), but slightly lower than in the building sector. A third (35% vs. 30% in the overall economy) of the employees are under 30 and only 16% (vs. 23%) are over 50. 
Most men occupy worker positions (50%) or intermediary professions (32%), while women are generally employees (69%). The sector is mainly composed of workers (over 40%) and technicians; 30% occupied intermediary professions.
The sector tends to hire people on the basis of permanent contracts to a much higher degree than in others (83% vs. 54%), regardless of gender.

Full study (in French): http://www.agefos-pme.com/fileadmin/user_upload/10-Master/50-Nous-connaitre/pdf/Portrait_stat_entreprises_salaries_dufroid_agefospme.pdf